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The running joke about student loans: Don't ever graduate, since you don't have to start paying them back until you do. – Yahoo! News
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Oklahoma group supports lower property tax cap
OKLAHOMA CITYmdash;Homeowners tired of seeing their property tax bills increase every year rallied at the Oklahoma Capitol to show support for legislation that would lower the cap on annual property tax hikes on homes from 5 percent to 3 percent. Holding signs that read “Senior Citizens Deserve More” and “How Do You Spell Relief — Property Tax Reform,” homeowners on Wednesday urged members of the Oklahoma House to support Senate-passed legislation that… – wn.com
Campus protests spark rights debate
Emotions are running high at Carleton University and other campuses across Ontario as students and administrators struggle to balance the age-old right to protest with the need to defend other individual rights. – parentcentral.ca
Arts and Entertainment: High School Musical Actors Envision Being Rising Stars
New Jersey high schools are in the midst of March madness — a term school theater directors use to describe the frenzied preparation for spring productions. – NYTimes.com
Thousands of students cheating in exams
Almost 4000 students were caught cheating in GCSE and Alevel exams last summer according to figures. – telegraph.co.uk
Why financial planners hate Utah
Clients come to me with money in college savings plans from dozens of states, but I’ve never seen a single one who had invested in Utah’s 529. Why is that? I assume it’s because, unlike most states, Utah doesn’t have an adviser-sold plan, so financial planners have no incentive to invest their clients’ money in it. – CNN
Education Roundup: TAKS, twittering and tossing out the rules
A sampling of ed news: * State Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, and Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, filed their 119-page bill to revise the school accountability system. Though our online headline proclaimed the TAKS could be “a thing of the… – chron.com
Cambridge entry level is A*AA
All applicants to Cambridge University will normally need at least A*AA in their A-levels from next year, colleges have agreed. – BBC News
College freshmen study booze more than books
Nearly half of college freshmen who drink alcohol spend more time drinking each week than they do studying, suggests a survey involving more than 30,000 first-year students on 76 campuses who took an online alcohol education course last fall. – USATODAY.com
Michelle Obama visited a public school in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Washington to push, prod and inspire struggling high school students. – NYTimes.com
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Fishing qualifications for pupils
Young people across Scotland could soon have their fishing expertise officially recognised with qualifications. – BBC News
Poor pupils still far behind their richer classmates
Poor pupils are still far behind their richer classmates in their academic performance when they leave primary school figures show. – telegraph.co.uk
House approves 90 percent tax on AIG bonuses
Obama indicated general support for the bill, which passed 328-93. The Senate was weighing its own version. By Tom Raum Associated Press WASHINGTON – Denouncing a quot;squandering of the people’s money,quot; lawmakers voted decisively yesterday to impose a 90 percent tax on millions of dollars in employee bonuses paid by the troubled insurance giant AIG and other bailed-out companies. The House vote was 328-93. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate, and President Obama quickly signaled general support for the concept. quot;I look forward to receiving a final product that will serve as a strong signal to the executives who run these firms that such compensation will not be… – wn.com
At one time, testing high school athletes for steroids was seen as the best way to fight performance-enhancing drug use among the young. Now, those efforts are losing steam because of high costs and few positive results. – Yahoo! News
Get more Breaking Education Reports
Colleges in building funds limbo
Some colleges are in chaos after embarking on rebuilding projects only to have the promised funding withheld. – BBC News
Universities split over new A grades
A rift over the use of elite Alevel grades is developing among universities as leading institutions lined up to reject the new A. – telegraph.co.uk
N.J. likely to subtract Algebra II requirement
By Rita Giordano Inquirer Staff Writer As the New Jersey Department of Education continues to redesign its high school curriculum to add more rigor, officials have moved away from one of the proposed plan’s most controversial elements: requiring all students to pass Algebra II. Algebra I already is a graduation requirement for this year’s freshman class, and plans are to make geometry – or a course with equivalent content – mandatory. But the proposed Algebra II requirement has been relaxed, enabling students to comply by taking a yet-to-be-designed course that builds on Algebra I and geometry. Science requirements also have been made more flexible. Students will have to take three years of… – wn.com
Fondness, frugality mix in bid to rehab Anne Arundel gem Fifth-graders Hollie Rients, 10, and Njyia Wilson, 10, work on their class research projects at Annapolis Elementary, among the oldest schools still in use in Maryland. The county system’s proposed construction budget contains $17.7 million for renovations to the 113-year-old school. – baltimoresun.com
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Inspection due on schools system
A watchdog’s two-week inspection of an authority’s troubled education system is due to begin. – BBC News
A stiff test for the history books
At a 1983 lecture, Dr Giles Skey Brindley demonstrated that he could inject drugs into his penis and thereby cause an erection Dr Giles Skey Brindley, FRCP, FRS, knows how to stand proud. At a 1983 Urodynamics Society lecture in Las Vegas, he demonstrated – with panache – that he could inject drugs into his penis and thereby cause an erection. Brindley had developed the first effective treatment for what was then called “impotence” and today goes by the stiffer euphemism “erectile dysfunction”. His appearance in Las Vegas ensured that the… – wn.com
School inspectors accused of prejudging
Inspectors are still failing to take a school’s environment and context into account when making judgments a teachers’ leader has warned. – telegraph.co.uk
Computer Science Programs Make a Comeback in Enrollment
For the first time in six years, enrollment in computer science programs in the United States increased last year. – NYTimes.com
Gay rights groups are complaining about the firing of a rural Oklahoma high school teacher who lost her job last week after assigning a play about the 1998 death of a gay college student. But the tiny school district says the move came after the teacher held a mock “funeral” for a canceled film production of the play. – USATODAY.com
Read today’s Education Updates below
In a Part of Queens With Crowded Schools, Opposition to a New One
A proposed high school has become a flashpoint of contention over the way enrollment should be determined. – NYTimes.com
Corbett moves toward running for governor
By Amy Worden INQUIRER HARRISBURG BUREAU HARRISBURG – Two-term state Attorney General Tom Corbett has taken his first official step toward a run for governor. Corbett, 59, a Republican, filed paperwork today to form an exploratory committee after discussions with friends and family, a spokesman said. quot;Pennsylvanians are looking for a leader with the experience to create economic opportunities for Pennsylvania families through tax cuts, cutting government waste and spending, reforming state government, and creating good family-sustaining jobs,quot; Corbett said in a statement. The paperwork filing allows Corbett to begin raising money and hiring staff for the 2010 race. Corbett also… – wn.com
Universities push for higher fees
Universities in England and Wales want to increase fees to between £4,000 and £20,000, according to a survey by BBC News. – BBC News
The FBI says it is investigating allegations of civil rights violations at a Texas school for mentally disabled people where workers were allegedly videotaped watching fights between residents. – Yahoo! News
Read more Education News below
IGCSEs branded marketing tool
Head teachers say International GCSEs will lead to a two-tier system between state and independent schools. – BBC News
Ed Balls accuses private schools of misleading parents over International GCSE
Minister has accused private schools of attempting to attract pupils with a misleading “marketing device” that they offer more challenging exams. – telegraph.co.uk
Education policymakers ‘are out of control’
Schools are being swamped by initiatives, legislation and edicts on children’s wellbeing as education policymakers run “out of control”, head teachers said. Their… – wn.com
Huge reorganization plan includes cutting 179 central office staff positions Huge reorganization plan includes cutting 179 central office staff positions – baltimoresun.com
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Schools turn to mass layoffs to ease deficits (Reuters)
Some U.S. public school districts are turning to mass layoffs of teachers and support staff to ease ballooning deficits in the latest sign of how the recession is hurting ordinary Americans. – Yahoo! News
Rick O’Brien: Girls’ hoops quarterfinals have local look
By Rick O’Brien Inquirer Columnist For the second time in three seasons, we could be looking at a PIAA Class AAAA state championship game between area teams in girls’ basketball. That chance, of course, increased this year with the addition of the Philadelphia Catholic League. In 2006-07, Council Rock North, District 1’s No. 3 seed, reached Penn State out of the East bracket. Cheltenham, the district’s fifth-place qualifier, advanced to the final from the West bracket. The Panthers beat the Indians, 68-54, for the crown. On Tuesday, five Class AAAA teams, four from District 1 and one from District 12, earned berths in tonight’s quarterfinal round. Two of them, Cheltenham and Downingtown… – wn.com
Vicky Tuck: The University Challenge
Vicky Tuck on the difficult decisions facing the new university watchdog – telegraph.co.uk
University admissions problem
Giving an extra chance to applicants with better than expected grades may be a cruel hoax. – BBC News
HISD employee negotiating item withdrawn
As expected, the updated HISD board agenda lists the controversial employee consultation item as “withdrawn.” In other words, multiple employee groups will continue to have a seat at the negotiating table with the district administration. As readers of this blog… – chron.com
Numbers fall to a six year low as stateeducated students secured more than 55 per cent of places. – telegraph.co.uk
New Breaking Education Reports today
Teachers strike over sixth form
More than 40 teachers strike over plans to move post-16 education from a sixth form to a college instead. – BBC News
Fallon: Exclusivity proposal dead for now — UPDATED
Gayle Fallon, president of the Houston Federation of Teachers, tells me her push for exclusive negotiating is off the table for now. She had four board members who committed support in a letter last month — Diana Davila, Paula Harris,… – chron.com
Boom amid bust: Med schools grow as economy tanks (AP)You wouldn't know there was an economic crisis the way the medical school business is booming these days. – Yahoo! News
Two students are in custody, three guns were seized and a suburban Atlanta school was locked down after authorities were tipped that a student planned to bring guns to school. – Yahoo! News
Latest Education Updates
What to learn: ‘core knowledge’ or ’21st-century skills’?
At least 10 states have committed to helping students develop these “21st-century skills” in schools, the workplace and beyond. But a small group of outspoken education scholars is challenging that assumption, saying the push for 21st-century skills is taking a dangerous bite out of precious classroom time that could be better spent learning deep, essential content. – USATODAY.com
Student’s anti-violence logo tinged with personal tragedy
Adam Spadafora glances upward at the large screen where the word TAVIS in gently rounded, black and white letters floats as if in mid-air. – parentcentral.ca
Teenage girls at risk of domestic violence prompt new education campaign
Schools and colleges may be told to teach courses on domestic violence amid growing fears that teenage girls are being assaulted and abused by boys their own age. – telegraph.co.uk
Gov Makes Case for Moral Education in Varsities
Nasarawa State Governor, Aliyu… – wn.com
How to shop for student loans
As college acceptance letters arrive this month, families will be celebrating the good news (we hope!), then bracing for the grueling process of figuring out how to pay for four years’ tuition. – CNN
HISD wants new superintendent by July 1
Some news from the HISD school board workshop today: *Trustees agreed they want a new superintendent in place by July 1 (of this year). They acknowledge the timeline is aggressive but are hopeful. *The board is committed to a national… – chron.com
Pupils slur killed my career
A teacher tells how an alleged false accusation has blighted his career. – BBC News
First Impressions Can Create Unrealistic Expectations for Recruits
The practice of ranking a sixth grader as a potential college basketball star creates plenty of hype and, some critics claim, unrealistic expectations. – NYTimes.com
US President Barack Obama is expected to flesh out his vision for education reform in a speech to Hispanic business leaders on Tuesday, a White House spokesman said. – Yahoo! News
Latest education reports today
Creationism should be taught in science lessons
Creationism will be taught in school science lessons under controversial new plans to provoke debate on the origins of life. – telegraph.co.uk
Six-month teacher training plan
The government surprises teacher unions with an idea that career changers can train in half the usual time. – BBC News
Best College Basketball Arenas
By Eric Fleming, Contributing Writer In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Major League Baseball fans became depressed at the rash of “cookie cutter” stadiums being built. Section: College Hoops Tourney The Cincinnati Reds, St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates and Philadelphia Phillies all played in vast, multipurpose ballparks, designed to host both baseball and football games. The same could be said of college basketball arenas, with many of them built with fan capacity a prime concern, rather than the aesthetics, design or atmosphere. But never fear, for all of the old-time “barns” — arenas with real atmosphere — aren’t gone just yet. There are still a handful left, and they are still… – wn.com
Blogging the meaty HISD board workshop
Live blog: HISD board workshop The agenda for the Houston ISD school board workshop Thursday is packed. Trustees are slated to continue their discussion of the superintendent search, perhaps approving a search firm, and to talk more about the 2009-10… – chron.com
College Awaits Rebirth as Its Library Labors On
Antioch College, which closed last summer, is in limbo, but its library remains alive and well. – NYTimes.com
The nation’s colleges and universities set another fundraising record last year, but nobody expects a repeat in 2009, a survey says. – USATODAY.com
Latest education reports today
A corrupt judge, a damaged life
Teen and his family still paying after Luzerne County sentencing. By John Sullivan INQUIRER STAFF WRITER As Joanne Balasavage sat with her 16-year-old son, Charlie, outside the Luzerne County juvenile courtroom of Judge Mark A. Ciavarella, she noticed a troubling trend. Only parents emerged from the courtroom, no children. They could hear shackles jangle across the floor that day in January 2007 as one after another, juvenile defendants were taken away. Then came Charlie’s turn. A heavyset boy with a wide face and glasses, he had never been in trouble before buying from a relative a scooter that turned out to have been stolen. Without a lawyer representing him, Charlie was quickly dispatched… – wn.com
About His Deposit …
Parents debate whether private school is really worth it. – NYTimes.com
Safeguards for mentally disabled in Texas approved (AP)
Responding to reports of abusive treatment and neglect at Texas' large homes for the mentally disabled, the state Senate approved safeguards Monday designed to improve care and oversight. – Yahoo! News
York University strike ends today
Back-to-work bill set to be approved as union withdraws threat of court battle. – parentcentral.ca
Science heroes sought for schools
UK businesses are being asked to provide more volunteers to champion the cause of science in schools. – BBC News
HISD trustee taunts business group
Houston school board member Manuel Rodriguez Jr.’s response to the Greater Houston Partnership’s suggestion that the public deserves to know whose names are on the short list of superintendent candidates caught my eye. Here’s what he told reporter Ericka Mellon… – chron.com
CCTV installed to monitor classrooms
CCTV cameras and microphones are being installed in schools to monitor children’s behaviour and teachers’ performance. – telegraph.co.uk
Dartmouth College on Monday named a South Korean-born health expert as its president, becoming the first Asian-American to head a university in the prestigious Ivy League. – Yahoo News
Latest education reports today
Dartmouth Selects Its New President From Harvard
Dr. Jim Yong Kim, a Harvard Medical School official, has fought diseases that affect the poor around the world. – NYTimes.com
Philly mayor supports arts groups even amid cuts
Comments PHILADELPHIA (Map, News) – Arts and cultural organizations are often dismissed as a frivolity, the first to go when the budget ax swings even as supporters tout them as powerful economic engines that employ workers and support businesses far beyond the cliche wine-and-cheese set. And times are not good for the creative community. In Philadelphia and around the country, the arts are suffering amid drained municipal and state budgets and eroded donations from foundations and individuals alike. Jobs are being lost; museums, education and outreach are being curtailed. But Philadelphia’s mayor, in a departure from his predecessor, believes the arts are key to generating revenue and… – wn.com
School place loopholes remain
Ministers say one thing but schools still do another – bbc.co.uk
From the Capitol: superintendent secrecy and less-secret State Board meetings
News from Austin: *The House Public Education Committee approved on Tuesday a bill by Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, that would require the State Board of Education to broadcast their meetings by video over the Internet. The board currently broadcasts only… – chron.com
Why fewer women succeed in math
When Lawrence Summers, then head of Harvard University, said in 2005 that innate gender differences may be a reason why fewer women succeed in math and science careers, he ignited a firestorm. Women’s groups were outraged. Academic societies issued rebuttals. Angry columnists weighed in. – parentcentral.ca
For young Ohio engineering team, the future is green
The middle-school winners of the National Engineers Week Future City Competition envision a eco-inspired urban living. – USATODAY.com
Leading Article: Degrees of difference
You may not have known it, but the Government has been having a debate on the future of higher education for the past year. Last week’s plea by the Universities Secretary, John Denham, for universities to offer more vocational degrees was part of his contribution to summing up what has been going on. – independent.co.uk
The grammar schools with empty desks
Places at some grammar schools are being left unfilled at a time when thousands of children are being turned away from grammars in other parts of the country. – telegraph.co.uk